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11 search results for: durability


GRP pipes are designed for generations.

A generations-long, low-maintenance service life: It’s a promising claim that Amiblu makes about their GRP products. Our former Amiblu PDM Högni Jónsson tells us why we can confidently stand by our claim.


Kent, Brewers Bridge, Culvert strengthening with Hobas relining pipes

Kent County Council‘s programme of planned highways maintenance works to be carried out during 2019 – 2021 included strengthening works to structures such as the Brewers Bridge Culvert in Worth, Kent.   Worth is a small picturesque village situated near Sandwich in East Kent which has a population of circa 1000 and a central conservation […]


Hydropower Station in Norway Received a Durable HOBAS Penstock

Bearing the wood’s disadvantages on mind, Hålogaland Kraft sought after a long lasting, durable and maintenance free replacement. These characteristics should apply for both, underground as well as above ground installed pipes on supports. A perfect match was found in HOBAS CC-GRP Pipes which serve all requirements and soon were the favored option of the […]


Renewal and Expansion of Sewer System in Venlo

The municipality of Venlo counts more than 100,000 inhabitants and is as region in which economy and nature meet and strengthen each other the beating heart of North Limburg. Apart from being the trade gateway to Germany, Venlo features highway A73 and A67, the river Maas and a ECT (Europe Container Terminal) cargo hub which […]


Increase the capacity of wastewater pipeline leading to the wastewater treatment plant of Banská Bystrica

A ,concrete interceptor was originally installed. However, having reassessed its hydraulic qualities, the client reconsidered and opted for HOBAS CC-GRP (glass fibre reinforced plastics) Pipe Systems. After the delivery of a HOBAS® SewerLine® DN 2000 Pipe, the works were stopped for the project was included in the European Pre-Accession Program ISPA. The project was technically filed […]